I literally scratched the back of my ears trying to stop hearing the anklets but I could still hear it. I ran out of the room only for the sound of anklets to be multiplied and now I could also hear a song being played. I could hear the sound of Tabla and although I tried I helplessly followed the sound of anklets and the Tabla only to find it coming from the floor above the one where I was staying. Although this felt like a bad idea, I couldn't stop myself from taking the stairs.
One after another I started climbing the stairs only to finally reach another hallway which had just two doors and the anklets sound multiplied louder as I finally reached the second door. I could feel the floor vibrating. Someone was jumping. Nope!!! Dancing!!! Someone was dancing here. This can't be a dream. I saw the huge door was closed and I didn't know why but I wanted to knock on the door. I wanted to clear my doubts. I can't be hallucinating in broad daylight. I am not crazy. This isn't a dream. This is really happening. Someone is inside this room.
Just when I was about to knock on the door, I winced in pain. I noticed my foot was bleeding. I noticed that I had stepped upon a Ghungroo (a small metallic bell used in an anklet worn while performing Indian classical dance). I winced and cried in pain as I limped a little to finally etch out the small bell that had pinched and pierced my already cracked feet thanks to the crazy Kolkata weather. I noticed it wasn't so bad after all when suddenly I heard someone calling me. I immediately managed to limp downstairs to see Mishka was already looking for me.
The minute she saw me, she came running towards me saying 'Oh my God!!! Finally found you. Daadu, Dida everyone is waiting for you downstairs Didi, please come downstairs, they want to announce something. Please come down quickly!!! I've got to get Pihu ready. The little one is still asleep' saying she ran towards Nivedita Didi's room. I wonder what was so urgent.
Without making much of a fuss about my leg, I managed off the blood and luckily used a plaster that I carried in my purse mostly. Although my mind was filled with all the mysterious thoughts I managed to walk downstairs only to find everyone hugging each other. Looking at me Shayantani aunty smiled unlike yesterday, today although she was sitting on a wheelchair she was warm and kind. She called me towards her, asking to bend to her height and I slowly did. Before I could say another word she said
'This is for our future grand daughter in law. Its a yes from our grandson!!!' and my eyes widened in shock. Before I could understand she made me wear a heavy gold bangle saying 'This is a family heirloom. I want you to have this'. My jaw had dropped, I didn't know what to say or how to express. I didn't understand what was happening. I hadn't met Aniruddh yet. Weren't we supposed to meet today. I was here for this meet and greet. Also what rubbish is this? Just because he said yes I'm supposed to be their grand daughter in law? My opinion? My choices? I mean...I haven't even met Aniruddh. Of course I knew how he looked, I had seen his interviews and I knew he was a well behaved, well mannered respected individual but people fake things in the media. What if in real life he wasn't how he really was? Above all it's not just his life. It's my life too. My opinions matter too.
Without a word much my eyes went towards Daarji and Arindam Uncle who kind of understood my testament only by looking at my expressions. They were up for big long detailed answers.
'So??? Even though he is busy this is not the way!!! I am sorry to say but this isn't a business deal or a stupid meeting Daarji!!! Arindam Uncle!!! This is the biggest decision of our lives. My life. And I'm sorry I wouldn't want it to happen this way. I would want to meet him, maybe talk to him and then-' just then I was been interrupted by Arindam Uncle saying 'I understand Dhara Beta but Oni had a urgent meeting to attend and he had to leave!' but I wasn't happy about that answer.
'I am sorry uncle. I am done taking a person blindly under the fictional bookish love story hero once who was nothing short of a nightmare which I've fought for years, infact probably something I'm fighting even this day. I am sorry I wouldn't want to go ahead with this proposal!!!' I said firmly leaving both Daarji and Arindam Uncle speechless. Daarji tried to convince me but I was adamant. I am not a commodity that anyone would just stamp their decision upon and I'm supposed to accept it. I am an individual and I would like to take a matured decision. Either ways I'm not dying to get married. Honestly I'd be happier if I'm single forever.
I was about to walk away when Arindam Uncle said 'Dhara wait...look... I understand that Oni's decision must have upset you. I will ask him to take a flight back to Kolkata right now. But please don't hurry with this decision. Shayantani and I, we both really like you a lot and we already see you as our grand daughter in law. Would you please give one chance to our Oni? I'll ask him to come back leaving everything. Doesn't matter even if it would cost us huge.'
I was left stumped. Arindam Uncle seemed to be extremely sorry about his grandson's abrupt decision of travelling. His words really surprised me. I wasn't anyone special. I wasn't a celebrity nor was I rich or talented. Yet they were keen on having my hand for their grandson. Although all of this looked too skeptical, I decided to give Aniruddh another chance.
No I didn't want to be the reason for their financial losses but I definitely wanted to have a matured and an honest conversation with him. So we decided to have a video call the moment Aniruddh had landed. I wasn't very happy about this. I wanted to see him in person. This was my life's biggest decision and I didn't want to take it over a video call. However looking at all the overexcited faces of the Chakraborty household, I decided to agree for yet another video call with Aniruddh before I break my decision to his family.
'Hi!!!' he smiled hesitantly as he rubbed his both hands together. He seemed to be somewhere in a colder country I suppose. The jacket and gloves was all giving it away. I was honestly not in a mood to talk to him but I nodded very cordially only for him to smile again and say 'I got to know from Daadu that I really got you pissed with my answer?' he chuckled when I narrowed my eyebrows saying 'Its not funny Aniruddh. You can't just say a yes like that without meeting me!!!' I almost yelled. Tried not to but I couldn't help it, I was pretty pissed.
He smiled saying 'You are right. I shouldn't have said a yes just like that. How could I miss an opportunity to meet you in person. I must have said a yes after that!' he said with sly smile making me gasp almost. Was he flirting with me?
'It is not funny at all Aniruddh. This is a life changing decision and not a job interview that we finalize things on a video call. I am sorry but I don't build relationships like this. I need to meet the person, talk to him and then take a call...again in person!!!' to which he smiled again saying 'I understand Dhara. But I was really helpless. If it was just business I could have avoided the flying but it's something else... something I haven't even told my family yet!' he said and I was confused. If he cannot share it with his family, why is he telling it to me.
'I understand you must be thinking why am I confessing things that I haven't even told my family yet, well...I believe if we are going to be tied in a relationship, you must know about all of this. You deserve to!' he said and the smile was all gone and there was seriousness on his face now. 'Can I trust you?' he asked and although skeptically but I nodded. He smiled saying 'Thanks!!!' and I nodded again.
'You do know other than being a businessman I'm also a budding politician. So when you are into two risky things and living in a country like ours, you must know that there are threats, ransome calls, mafia lurking around and so much more being involved. Basically your life is always under threat.' he said and I was slightly uncomfortable now. I knew that marrying someone this high profile could be a real headache but I was still ready to take a chance. However now his words started taking a darker turn.
'My team received news that my life is under threat and some unknown sharp shooter has took a contract of killing me. Basically they don't want me to fight elections!' he said leaving me speechless. Killing? As in mur- murder? This was getting uglier now.
'My family doesn't know anything about this. My team is everywhere trying to find out about the sharp shooter and once he's caught I'll be back to my hometown. I'll definitely meet you, again that's it you would want to after hearing all of this' he said with a smile again and I was left pale and shivering just the thought of something like this happening to anyone.
'Aniruddh...I think you should tell your family about all this' I suggested when he shook his head saying 'No!!! This is leaked to us by a secret agent who works undercover for me. The minute this news comes out, my person behind all of this will be alerted and who knows might even target my family and that is a risk I cannot afford to take.' he said very clearly to which I could only nod silently.
There was complete silence right now and suddenly he said 'I really like you Dhara.' he confessed leaving me stumped and speechless. I didn't know what to say when he continued saying 'You are strong, polite, kind and soft spoken. Everything that I would see in a Chakraborty Daughter in law and I would love to see you as the eldest daughter in law of the Chakraborty household.' he said without even blinking once leaving me stumped once again.
My lips were stitched and nothing really left my mouth after his shameless confession when he said 'You don't have to immediately say yes. Although I would love to hear that but seriously if you want time to think over it, it's fine with me too. But I really hope I hear soon from you!!!' he said with a smile and I couldn't help but ask him 'I am sorry Aniruddh my question might sound extremely lame to you but I have to know. You are such a big celebrity, such a popular personality, I mean you can't find anyone. Anyone popular, rich, from a great family background. Yet you choose me? I...I don't get it. My logical brain somehow doesn't align to it' I said when he smirked saying
'Logical reasoning... Well!!! I don't think you need to see someone's financial status to like someone. I don't think everything is about name and fame. Somethings...lets say some people are priceless. Just spending some time with them makes you realise how perfectly they can mould themselves into your vast family.' he said when I didn't really understand the concept of moulding. I wasn't an object that he would melt and mould. Looks like he understood that with my facial expressions and he immediately interrupted.
'Woah woah!!! No no no...I don't want you to loose your individuality and live a life of a pretentious Chakraborty daughter in law. I have found out everything about you and your past. Daadu told me and let me tell you, I have immense respect for you. I am not looking for teenage love here Dhara, I have also seen my fair share of heartbreaks and betrayal from my ex and I understand how it feels. Love isn't the only factor that's needed to build a bond. Some bonds are also about respect and trust. Please trust me. I have immense respect for you and I think that would be the beauty of our relationship. I would want you to give one chance to me and my family and trust me, you wouldn't be disappointed this time.'
His words, his promises about a respectful relationship had left me spellbound. He seemed to be extremely matured. He had also seen a heartbreak and he understands that some wounds need time. His polite nature and his kindness was something I couldn't let go unnoticed. The respectful decorum he maintained everytime we spoke. Not once did he try to make me uncomfortable. His maturity had impressed me a lot. And I couldn't help but nod a "Yes" to this relationship.
No I wasn't in love with him. No I didn't see him as a husband yet. No I wasn't really ready for marriage
Yet after about 3 days and 4 sleepless nights...I had given my nod it.
I had to get married to someone or the other thanks to Daarji's never ending emotional blackmailing inspite of all those promises of never forcing me into marriage. He wouldn't stop and I couldn't keep saying no forever. Atleast here if not for love, I would get something enough for me to live a decent life. Aniruddh respected me. As of now, that was enough for me and I was ready to be a Chakraborty Daughter in Law.
I was going to be the eldest daughter in law of the Chakraborty household and tonight was my Aashirwad (blessing) ceremony.
I wasn't the kind who would behave childish, I was a grown up and matured 25 year old now.
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